Towards a sustainable research career with progression based on merit

Monthly Archives: Fevereiro 2010

“Viver a Ciência” interviews ANICT

Associação Viver a Ciência interviews the Installation Committee and the result is posted on their website:
“Con(s)ciência: ANICT quer mais diálogo entre Investigadores e decisores políticos em Viver a Ciência (em português/in portuguese).[Download PDF]

Installation Committee interviewed by Antena 1

Interview with Nicolas Lori and Joao Lopes in Antena 1 (zona centro), “Portugal em Directo”. (audio in portuguese)  http://file

Meeting with Researchers from University of Aveiro

A meeting with researchers at University of Aveiro was held on the 2nd of February 2010, organised by José Richard Gomes and with the participation of Miguel Jorge, João Lopes and Miguel Santos. Several researchers from UA were present and contributed to the discussion of relevant issues for the future of the research career

Rádio Renascença interviews the president of ANICT

The president of ANICT, Nuno Cerca, was interviewed yesterday in Rádio Renascença. (in portuguese) http://file

Creation of ANICT in the news of Rádio Renascença

“Nova associação promete bater-se pela estabilidade dos investigadores” in Rádio Renascença. [download PDF] (in portuguese/em português)